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Strengthen the CRE Industry by Supporting Workplace Diversity

By BOMA/Chicago

In order to succeed in the $300 billion commercial real estate industry, professionals must rely on their extensive and diverse skill sets. 管理办公大楼或投资组合包括涉及租户关系的独特的广泛的专业专业, budgeting, security measures, emergency preparedness and so much more. 鉴于该行业的广阔性质和CRE专业人员在日常工作中使用的各种技能, 我们必须问问自己,为何阻碍行业发展的种族和民族障碍仍然存在.

自1994年成立第一个(也是唯一一个)BOMA本地多元化委员会以来,BOMA/Chicago一直在正面解决和解决这个问题.  2005年采取了一项双管齐下的举措,重点是在十大网赌靠谱网址平台商业地产行业内建立多样性 Reginald L. Ollie Inclusion and Outreach Scholarship and (2) the annual Diversity Celebration. This initiative echoes BOMA/Chicago’s diversity vision, which states, “我们设想一个在精神和实践上促进多样性的行业,由反映我们所服务的社区的专业人士组成.”

The Committee (now named the Diversity & 企业社会责任委员会)共同努力,找到一种方法来帮助教育和指导历史上在建筑行业中代表性不足的群体. The result was a scholarship named after Reggie Ollie, 他是BOMA/Chicago的忠实成员,担任多元化委员会主席超过10年. 该奖学金颁发给来自不同背景的行业新星. Valued at $10,000, the scholarship pays for the recipient to achieve the Real Property Administrator (RPA) designation. 每位获奖者都将在一年一度的多元化庆典上获得认可,并与一位经验丰富的行业导师联系.


成员们聚集在2013年普利兹克军事博物馆的多样性庆典上 & Library in the Monroe Building.

BOMA/Chicago is the only BOMA chapter in the world to have a Diversity & Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, 一项支持多样性的奖学金和一个专门为庆祝行业多样性而举办的活动. This year’s Diversity Celebration will be held on April 3 at the Pritzker Military Museum & Library in the Monroe Building. J & J ARNACO LLC, owner of the Monroe Building, 连续第二年慷慨地为我们提供场地, charging just enough to cover the costs. On top of donating space, 门罗大厦再次签约成为多样性庆祝活动的独家白金赞助商, demonstrating J & J ARNACO’s commitment to workplace diversity.

Paul Rades他是门罗大厦的物业经理,也是多样性协会的副主席 & Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, sat on the Committee when the scholarship was first formed. 雷德斯记得多元化委员会第一次问雷吉·奥利,十大网赌靠谱网址平台BOMA/Chicago是否可以以他的名字命名这项奖学金. According to Rades, Ollie said he would be honored. Ollie唯一的要求是BOMA/Chicago坚持他的家庭诚信,同时始终支持奖学金的使命,保持商业地产行业的多样性.

Nine years later, BOMA/Chicago’s diversity mission is flourishing. Members of the Diversity & 企业社会责任委员会目前正在为4月3日的多元化庆祝活动征集赞助商.  The goal is to raise $25,000 for the Ollie Scholarship Fund. In return for their sponsorship, 建筑和附属会员将在多个营销平台上获得知名度,并在出席的250名专业人士的多样性庆祝活动中获得认可. 白金赞助已经售罄,但银牌和金牌赞助可用. Sponsorships will close on March 28.

会员也可以通过捐赠物品(或现金购买物品)来帮助我们使活动取得成功 BOMA/Chicago Foundation for our silent auction and/or raffle. Donations such as an iPad (or other tablet), weekend getaways/hotel stays, restaurant gift cards, tickets and skyboxes for sporting events, theater/symphony/opera tickets, spa/salon services, autographed sports items, etc. are valuable for both the silent auction and the raffle.

Brian Staunton, Regional Manager at Able Engineering Services, is a member of the Diversity & 企业社会责任委员会主席兼多元化庆典主席. For the four years Staunton has served on the Committee, 他看到了奥利奖学金和多元化庆祝活动如何为十大网赌靠谱网址平台房地产专业人士的成长和教育做出贡献. 通过赞助2014年多样性庆祝活动或参与无声拍卖或抽奖, 斯汤顿认为,成员们将支持并与未来的领导人建立伙伴关系.


克里斯汀·索伦森(Kristine Sorenson)在2014年托比/金圈颁奖晚会上获得了年度新兴领袖奖.

Last year’s Ollie Scholarship recipient, Kristine Sorenson, 她已经获得了一半的RPA,并已成为行业多个领域的领导者. 最近,索伦森被评为2014年度新兴领袖 TOBY/Gold Circle Award Gala on January 30. 作为世邦魏理仕在北河滨广场100号的房地产服务管理员, 索伦森因其对培训和发展的承诺而获得该奖项, community service and contributions to industry initiatives, such as BOMA/Chicago’s Diversity & Corporate Social Responsibility Committee. 她目前在一个工作组工作,该工作组正在为委员会发起一项献血倡议,该倡议将于今年夏天启动,她是2014年世邦魏理仕资产服务青年专业人员组织的主席.

Through BOMA/Chicago’s relentless passion to make its vision a reality, 未来多元化的领导者已经在开辟通往成功的道路. 继续支持行业的多样性和未来的奥利奖学金获得者 becoming a sponsor or silent auction/raffle donor today.

According to the Real Estate Associate Program在美国,商业地产行业的专业管理层中,少数族裔领导的比例不到1%. 在一个由超过12.5万名专业人士组成的行业中,这一数字不到1000人. We’re not satisfied with these statistics. 因此,让我们通过帮助未被充分代表的人获得晋升来加强商业地产行业.